September 25, 2024

Fall colors in Colorado: This is how long peak foliage will last

The last week of September has brought the peak period of viewing yellow leaves around 9,000 feet in the mountains near Denver.

GEORGETOWN, Colorado — Colorado’s “leaf peeping” season has kicked into high gear.

Fall colors are either really close to peak or right at peak above 9,000 feet along and north of U.S. Highway 285 and the Interstate 70 mountain corridor.

9NEWS Weather Impact meteorologist Chris Bianchi said there is likely another week of peak colors in the mountains directly west of the Denver area through Oct. 1.

RELATED: 9 drives where you can see yellow fall colors in Colorado

Typically, colors peak in Colorado’s northern mountains throughout the month of September. The central mountains peak the last week of September. For Colorado’s southern mountains, it’s the first week of October.

Areas of Colorado that are peaking the final week of September include Guanella Pass, Kenosha Pass, Peak to Peak Highway, and Twin Lakes.

See a map of the expected peaks from the 9NEWS Weather Impact Team below.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) is asking that when you head out on the search for the state’s autumn gold, keep trail etiquette and caring for Colorado top of mind.

“We ask that folks “rushing for gold” plan ahead and have location backup plans because parks get crowded and parking is limited at certain trailheads,” said Todd Farrow, park manager at Golden Gate Canyon State Park. “Please only park in designated areas and remember that parking along roads is prohibited because it destroys vegetation, can ignite wildfires and blocks emergency vehicles.”

“We want everyone to have a great time experiencing the vibrant colors and the natural wonders our beautiful state has to offer,” said Farrow. “No matter where you plan to explore this fall, please respect our natural resources, park staff, volunteers and fellow recreationists out searching for Colorado gold.” 

CPW said Coloradoans should follow these Care for Colorado and Leave No Trace principles before they venture to the mountains:

Know before you go

CPW asks leaf hunters to plan their your trip ahead of time to avoid any potential disappointment.

  • Are the colors at their prime? 
  • Where is the best spot for your abilities and available timeframes for viewing?
  • What is the best route to take?
  • Where will you park?
  • What will you do if the parking lot is full?
  • Use the CPW Park Finder to explore Colorado’s 42 state parks.
  • Have a backup plan if your trailhead is closed or crowded.

Stick to trails

It can be tempting to find a new spot to photograph, but it’s important for Colorado’s plants, trails and visitors that you stay the trail.

  • Help natural areas stay natural by sticking to designated trails. 
  • Respect trails closed for maintenance, vegetation projects or wildlife reasons. 
  • Don’t take shortcuts.
  • Download COTREX app to discover Colorado’s network of trails.

Trash your trash

You might get hungry and thirsty while hunting for leaves, but don’t bring anything with you that you can’t pack out.

  • Pack out wrappers, bottles and trash.
  • Clean up and pack out dog waste.
  • Take crumbs, peels and cores to the nearest waste/recycling bin.
  • Bring an extra bag or two to help leave the area better than you found it.

Leave it as you find it

  • Parking in undesignated parking destroys vegetation and encourages those coming up behind you to continue the trend.
  • Leave plants, rocks, acorns and historical items as you find them.
  • Carving or hacking plants and trees may kill or disfigure them.

Keep wildlife wild

You may see wildlife in their homes. Enjoy the moment by keeping your distance, using your zoom and letting Colorado’s wildlife be wild.

  • Never feed wild animals.
  • Harassing wild animals may also increase the chance of a poor interaction including charges or attacks, feeding wildlife may expose animals to predators and may lead to euthanasia.
  • Be bear aware on trails to avoid encounters with bears.
  • Be aware of moose and keep away.
  • Keep dogs leashed.  

Share our trails and parks

Be patient with other visitors and the staff working during the busy season.

  • Try a new or lesser-known paths and sites found on the COTREX app.
  • Be considerate when passing others on the trails and yield to uphill hikers and bikers.

For additional tips on planning for fall’s color changes in Colorado, visit

Share your photos

There’s nothing like fall in Colorado and we want to highlight your photos. To submit a photo or video, share with the 9NEWS app’s Near Me feature.


  1. Open the 9NEWS app on your smartphone.
  2. On the bottom right, you’ll see a button called ‘Near Me’—click it.
  3. Click the orange button in the top left part that says “Share with Us.”
  4. Upload your photo or video directly from your device.
  5. Fill out the fields: give it a title, a credit, your email, and tell us where it was taken.
  6. It will then be reviewed and could be used on 9NEWS and!

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