September 20, 2024

14 Digital Marketing Jobs That Consistently Earn $7k Per Month – Ask Miss Whimsical

In the age of the internet, the ability to generate income online has become increasingly accessible. Digital marketing, with its vast scope and numerous channels, provides a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs, freelancers, and businesses to achieve financial independence. Earning $7,000 a month from digital marketing may seem ambitious, but with the right strategies and consistent effort, it’s a realistic goal. In this blog post, we’ll explore 14 actionable ways to help you reach this milestone.

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1. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular ways to earn money online. This model involves promoting someone else’s product or service and earning a commission for every sale or action generated through your affiliate link. The key to success in affiliate marketing is choosing the right niche and products that align with your audience’s interests. High-ticket affiliate programs and recurring commissions from SaaS tools, web hosting, or subscription services can help you reach that $7K per month goal.

The best way to earn with affiliate marketing is to create a niche website to promote your affiliate links. Having a website helps you build a content-driven approach to promote the affiliate links without making it sound too salesy. You can start an affiliate site at a cost of $2.95 per month and earn thousand times this amount by the third or fourth month.

Steps to Get Started:

  • Choose a niche you’re passionate about.
  • Join affiliate networks like Amazon Associates, ShareASale, or ClickBank.
  • Create content around these products through blogging, social media, or email marketing.
  • Optimize your SEO for organic traffic or use paid ads to drive conversions.

2. Freelance Digital Marketing Services

Offering freelance digital marketing services can be highly profitable if you have the right skill set. Services like SEO, PPC advertising, social media management, content creation, and email marketing are in high demand among small businesses and startups. The key to earning consistently is building a portfolio of regular clients and delivering high-quality work.

Steps to Get Started:

  • Identify a niche service (e.g., SEO or social media management).
  • Build a portfolio with case studies showcasing your expertise.
  • Use platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or LinkedIn to find clients.
  • Scale by charging premium rates for your services once you’ve built a reputation.

3. Content Creation (YouTube, Podcasts, Blogging)

Monetizing content creation is another great way to achieve financial success in digital marketing. With YouTube, you can earn through ads, sponsored content, and affiliate marketing. Podcasts and blogs can generate revenue through sponsorships, ads, and even membership models. Consistently creating engaging content that attracts a dedicated audience is key to long-term success.

Steps to Get Started:

  • Choose a content platform (YouTube, podcasting, or blogging).
  • Niche down to a topic you’re passionate about.
  • Monetize through ads (Google AdSense for blogs, YouTube’s Partner Program) and affiliate links.
  • Engage your audience through social media and email newsletters to grow your traffic.

4. Dropshipping Business

Dropshipping is an eCommerce model where you sell products directly to consumers without having to handle inventory. With this business model, you set up an online store on shopify, market your products, and partner with suppliers who fulfill orders. Digital marketing plays a crucial role in driving traffic to your store, whether it’s through paid advertising, SEO, or social media campaigns.

Steps to Get Started:

  • Choose a profitable niche and find reliable suppliers (AliExpress, Oberlo).
  • Create an eCommerce website (Shopify is a popular platform).
  • Use social media ads (Facebook, Instagram) or Google Ads to drive traffic.
  • Optimize your website for conversions with upsells, discounts, and retargeting strategies.

5. Selling Digital Products (eBooks, Courses, Templates)

Selling digital products like eBooks, online courses, or templates can be a highly profitable and scalable business. Once created, digital products have low overhead costs, and you can sell them infinitely. If you have specialized knowledge in a particular field, packaging that expertise into a product is a great way to generate passive income.

Steps to Get Started:

  • Identify a topic you’re knowledgeable in that solves a problem for your audience.
  • Create your product (use platforms like Teachable or Gumroad for courses, or Canva for templates).
  • Market through social media, email marketing, or paid advertising.
  • Offer value-packed lead magnets to build an email list and drive sales.

6. Social Media Management

Many businesses don’t have the time or expertise to manage their social media accounts effectively. If you’re skilled in social media strategies, you can offer your services to businesses, helping them build a strong online presence, manage their accounts, and run paid campaigns.

Steps to Get Started:

  • Identify your target market (small businesses, startups, influencers).
  • Showcase your expertise with a portfolio and testimonials.
  • Offer content creation, posting, and community management services.
  • Build long-term relationships with clients for consistent monthly income.

7. Email Marketing

Email marketing remains one of the most effective digital marketing channels with the highest ROI. Building and monetizing a targeted email list can provide consistent income through product launches, affiliate promotions, and regular newsletters. Many businesses will also pay top dollar for email marketing services to help them increase conversions.

Steps to Get Started:

  • Build an email list through lead magnets, opt-ins, and social media.
  • Create valuable, targeted content that nurtures your audience.
  • Offer email marketing services to businesses, including list management, campaign strategies, and copywriting.
  • Use platforms like ConvertKit, Mailchimp, or AWeber to manage campaigns.

8. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is a critical aspect of digital marketing for businesses that want to increase organic traffic to their websites. Offering SEO services, such as keyword research, link building, and on-page optimization, can be highly lucrative, especially for businesses willing to invest in long-term strategies.

Steps to Get Started:

  • Learn SEO fundamentals through courses or certifications.
  • Offer SEO audits and optimizations for small businesses or startups.
  • Build a portfolio showcasing your success in improving website rankings.
  • Offer monthly retainers for ongoing SEO services to maintain consistent income.

9. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

Running PPC ad campaigns for businesses is another excellent way to generate income in digital marketing. If you’re skilled at creating, managing, and optimizing ad campaigns on platforms like Google Ads or Facebook Ads, you can offer this as a service to businesses looking to increase their online visibility and sales.

Steps to Get Started:

  • Get certified in platforms like Google Ads or Facebook Blueprint.
  • Offer your services to local businesses or eCommerce stores.
  • Create case studies of successful campaigns to build trust.
  • Scale by offering comprehensive advertising services, including retargeting and display ads.

10. Influencer Marketing

If you’ve built a substantial following on social media, you can monetize it through influencer marketing. Brands are willing to pay influencers to promote their products or services, and influencer marketing budgets have been growing steadily. The key to success is staying authentic, providing value to your followers, and partnering with brands that align with your niche.

Steps to Get Started:

  • Build a strong presence on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube.
  • Create engaging content that resonates with your audience.
  • Partner with brands for sponsored posts, product reviews, or ambassador deals.
  • Use influencer platforms like AspireIQ or Grin to connect with brands.

11. Coaching and Consulting

If you have expertise in digital marketing or a related field, offering coaching or consulting services can be highly profitable. Whether it’s one-on-one coaching, group sessions, or consulting for businesses, sharing your knowledge with others can easily bring in a steady income.

Steps to Get Started:

  • Define your niche and the specific results you can help clients achieve.
  • Build credibility through content marketing, case studies, and testimonials.
  • Offer high-ticket coaching or consulting packages with a focus on delivering value.
  • Use Zoom or other online tools for virtual meetings and group coaching sessions.

12. Lead Generation for Businesses

Many businesses are looking for leads to grow their customer base. If you have the skills to generate leads through digital marketing techniques like SEO, PPC, or social media advertising, you can offer this as a service. You can either charge per lead or offer a monthly retainer for consistent revenue.

Steps to Get Started:

  • Choose an industry where lead generation is in high demand (real estate, legal, health services).
  • Master lead generation tactics like paid advertising, SEO, and content marketing.
  • Set up automated funnels that capture leads and deliver them to your clients.
  • Offer performance-based pricing to attract more clients.

13. Sell Merch via Print-on-Demand

Print-on-demand allows you to create custom designs for products like t-shirts, mugs, or phone cases and sell them without holding inventory. You earn a portion of each sale, and the printing and shipping are handled by the print-on-demand company. This can be an easy, low-cost way to create a side income with digital marketing.

Steps to Get Started:

  • Choose a niche and design products that appeal to your audience.
  • Use platforms like Printful, Teespring, or Redbubble to create products.
  • Promote your store through social media, email marketing, or paid ads.
  • Offer limited-time promotions or discounts to drive sales.

14. Create and Sell Webinars

Webinars have become an increasingly popular way to sell high-ticket products or services. If you have valuable information to share, you can create webinars to teach others and sell related products, services, or courses. You can charge for attendance or use the webinar as a lead-generation tool for your main offer.

Steps to Get Started:

  • Choose a topic that solves a specific problem for your audience.
  • Create an engaging and value-packed webinar using platforms like Zoom or WebinarJam.
  • Use Facebook Ads or email marketing to promote your webinar.
  • Follow up with attendees through automated email sequences to increase conversions.

Final Thoughts

Making $7,000 per month from digital marketing is possible with the right mix of strategies, dedication, and persistence. Whether you focus on offering services, selling products, or creating valuable content, the key is to remain consistent, keep learning, and adapt to the ever-changing digital landscape. Start small, optimize what works, and scale your efforts over time. With the growing demand for digital marketing expertise, the opportunities are endless!
