September 20, 2024

110 stories: Colorado firefighters honor those lost on 9/11 attacks with stair climb

Colorado firefighters climbed Denver’s second-tallest building twice Wednesday to honor the firefighters killed in the Sept. 11 attacks.

DENVER — Hundreds of Colorado firefighters gathered in downtown Denver Wednesday morning to honor the lives lost in the September 11th terror attacks.

A total of 343 firefighters climbed the 1801 California Street skyscraper two times, totaling the 110 stories of both towers.

The 343 firefighters signifies the number of firefighters who died in the attacks.

“It’s very humbling,” Eric Morgenthaler said. “It’s a big deal.”

Morgenthaler is a battalion chief with Castle Rock Fire and has done the climb for 15 years.

This year’s climb held some extra significance, with the number of firefighters who have died from illness since the attacks now surpassing the number who died that day.

“It’s staggering,” said Scott Eckels. “They’ve always said the number will surpass it, and we’re there.”

Eckels and a few other firefighters started the stair climb 20 years ago, with a focus on honoring the lives lost that day.

This year, firefighters also were given the chance to honor the firefighters who have died since the attacks from illness.

“The climbers as they come through, they’ll pick up a picture badge for one of the 343 killed on Sept. 11, and then they’re going to also grab another badge from one of those 363 that have died since so that we always remember those individuals as well,” Eckels said.

Firefighters said the long climb is worth it to pay respects, and remember the sacrifice made that day.
