September 25, 2024

Boulder improves dangerous intersection

According to the city of Boulder, around 30,000 cars and 1,500 cyclists pass through the intersection of 28th Street and Colorado Avenue daily.

BOULDER, Colo. — The city of Boulder recently made changes to an intersection that’s been a headache for years and has seen the highest number of crashes.

“We’re seeing a high number of people walking, biking, rolling, taking the bus and driving through this intersection daily. Our goal with this project was to increase the safety, comfort, and connectivity at the intersection for all those different types of people who use it,” said Lucy O’Sullivan, transportation planner for the city of Boulder.

According to the city of Boulder, around 30,000 cars and 1,500 cyclists pass through the intersection of 28th Street and Colorado Avenue daily, and that doesn’t include Buff Bus, which is CU’s transit system.

The city recently made changes that include:

  • Sidewalk-level protected bike lanes eastbound and westbound along Colorado Avenue, connecting to existing protected bike lanes and multi-use paths in the area.
  • Conflict zone pavement markings, and ADA, sidewalk, and traffic signal improvements.
  • Bus lanes on Colorado Avenue from Folsom Street to just west of 30th Street, and transit stop improvements. Other travelers can also access the bus lane for right turns.
  • Providing physical separation between vehicles and people walking and rolling up to and through the intersection while making it easier for all travelers to see and be seen by drivers.

The city of Boulder said these improvements will increase transit speed, reliability, and safety by reducing delays riders may experience.

“We’ve seen improvements, and we’ve also heard from the community that they have appreciated the improvements, especially with CU back in session,” said O’ Sullivan.

Since 2018, there have been 134 crashes at 28th Street and Colorado Avenue. Ten of which included bicyclist and four pedestrians.

  • 2018: 28 crashes, 4 bicycle, 1 serious injury
  • 2019: 33 crashes, 3 bicycle
  • 2020: 19 crashes, 2 pedestrians, 1 bicycle, 1 serious injury
  • 2021: 21 crashes, 2 bicycle
  • 2022: 14 crashes
  • 2023: 19 crashes, 2 pedestrians

This is the third completed project recommended by the 30th and Colorado Corridors Study, connecting to other city improvements including the city’s first protected intersection at 30th Street and Colorado Avenue.

“This was our second protected intersection in the city. The first was at Colorado Avenue and 30th Street, which was completed last fall in 2023. We currently have plans for four additional protected intersections in the city,” said O’ Sullivan.

The city is looking to improve Baseline road, Iris Avenue, and Folsom Street. To learn more about those projects, you can find that information here.

Community members can also share their thoughts about future intersections around the city of Boulder.
