September 20, 2024

27 best Online Side Jobs that Offer Flexibility and High Pay

online side jobs

Last Updated on September 19, 2024 by Katie

Are you looking for a way to make extra cash around your existing commitments? If so, these online side jobs are worth exploring!

Side hustles generally offer flexible schedules and allow you to choose your own hours and make money when it suits you.

This is ideal if you’re a busy Mom, student, or professional looking to take advantage of any spare moments you have.

Plus, the requirements to make money with these online side jobs are usually minimal, only requiring you to have access to a laptop, fast internet and/or a smartphone.

Over the years, I have tried and tested many different side hustles from my phone and money-making ideas. While some come and go, some stay and are reliable ways to boost monthly earnings.

Here are a few of the best I believe are still good money-makers and worth your time.

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Want to Make Extra Money Right Now?

  • Survey Junkie: Earn money by taking surveys and giving your opinion on new products. Over $1.5 million is paid out to members monthly! Join Survey Junkie now.
  • American Consumer Opinion: Get paid for your opinion by taking surveys and taking part in research studies. Earn between $1 and $50 per survey. Join ACOP Now.

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The Best Online Side Jobs for Beginners to Boost Earnings

online side jobs

online side jobs

According to statistics, around 45% of working Americans have a side hustle that brings in an average of $688 a month.

How does an extra $600+ a month sound to you? This could cover expenses, pay for kids’ items, or go towards a holiday you want to book.

Extra cash is always helpful and thanks to the internet, we can take advantage and make that money without leaving the sofa!

Here are the best online side jobs to boost your income every month.

1: Online Survey Taker

By taking surveys, you provide insights on various topics and get paid for your time.

Your input helps companies shape their products and services and success in this role requires attention to detail and honesty.

You should be comfortable working independently and have basic computer and internet skills.

A few survey sites worth checking out include:

And these survey sites pay instantly.

Income potential varies, with some surveys paying a few dollars and some longer ones up to $50 for your time.

You can expect to earn more by participating in additional activities like product testing or discussions.

2: Transcription Services

Working in transcription services involves converting audio files into written text.

One of the best online side jobs for beginners, a typical da might involve transcribing interviews, podcasts, or legal proceedings.

Tasks often require listening closely and typing accurately so you will need excellent typing skills, often at least 60-75 words per minute.

Attention to detail and good grammar are also essential.

Take a look at the transcription sites for work:

Here are some more remote transcription jobs for beginners.

Income potential varies, with rates from $15 to $150 per audio hour depending on your experience and the company you work with.

Learn more in our guide on how to become a general transcriptionist.

3: Proofreading and Editing

Working as a proofreader or editor allows you to refine written content and ensure clarity, coherence, and grammatical accuracy.

On a typical day, you might review articles, reports, or essays, correcting any typos and improving phrasing for readability.

Strong language and grammar skills are essential. Attention to detail and the ability to work independently will greatly benefit you in this role.

Check out these sites for paid work:

Here is a list of 55 proofreading jobs hiring today.

Proofreaders earn an average of $20-$30 per hour, with higher rates possible for those with specialized skills or significant experience.

Learn more in our guide on how to become a proofreader with no experience.

4: Freelance Writing

Freelance writing offers the flexibility to work from anywhere, anytime, while creating diverse content such as articles, blog posts, or copywriting for websites.

Your day may involve researching topics, writing drafts, editing, and communicating with clients.

To succeed, you need strong writing skills, proficiency in grammar, the ability to meet deadlines, and a knack for adapting your style to different audiences.

Companies hiring freelance writers:

Check out these beginner freelance writing jobs to get you started.

Income potential varies widely. Rates can range from $20 to $100 per hour or more, depending on your experience, niche, and type of writing project.

Some writers charge per word, while others opt for a project-based fee.

Learn more in our guide on how to become a freelance writer with no experience.

5: Voice Over Artist

As a voice over artist, you use your voice to bring scripts and characters to life.

Your work might involve recording audio for commercials, video games, animated films, or audiobooks.

You’ll need strong reading skills, clear pronunciation, and the ability to convey emotions through your voice.

Here are some companies hiring beginner voice actors:

Here is a big list of no experience voice over jobs hiring today.

Income potential varies widely depending on your experience and the projects you take on, with average annual earnings around $117,910 for experienced professionals.

Learn more in our guide on how to start a voice-over career with no experience.

6: Virtual Assistant

As a virtual assistant, you offer administrative support from your own home.

Tasks can vary, including managing emails, scheduling appointments, or handling social media accounts. You may also be asked to organize files or perform basic bookkeeping.

Strong organizational skills and excellent communication abilities are essential.

Being tech-savvy and adaptable to new tools will also enhance your efficiency and effectiveness in this role.

Some companies hiring virtual assistants include:

Here is a big list of beginner virtual assistant jobs hiring today.

Income potential for virtual assistants ranges from $15 to $35 per hour. Your earnings can increase based on your experience and the complexity of tasks you handle.

Learn more in our guide on how to become a virtual assistant with no experience.

7: Online Tutoring

online side jobs

online side jobs

Online tutoring offers you the opportunity to help students understand various subjects from the comfort of your own home.

A typical day might involve preparing lesson plans, conducting virtual sessions, and providing feedback on assignments.

To succeed, you need strong communication skills, subject-matter expertise, and patience.

Previous teaching or mentoring experience is often required, but not essential. Some companies hire English tutors just for conversational chats.

Companies hiring for this role:

Income potential ranges from $18 to $60 per hour, depending on the subject and your experience. Advanced subjects or test preparation can command higher rates.

Check out these platforms to get paid to teach English online.

8: Selling on Etsy

Selling on Etsy is one of the best online side jobs that involves creating, marketing, and shipping your own handmade, vintage, or craft supply products.

You can even create digital products to sell that can be made in an afternoon!

A typical day might include crafting new items, photographing them, managing your online storefront, handling customer inquiries, and processing orders.

To succeed, you need creativity, organization, and marketing skills. Familiarity with crafting, design software, or digital marketing can be advantageous.

Check out these companies to sell handmade items online:

Check this guide on how to start an Etsy shop with no money.

Income potential varies. Part-time sellers might earn a few hundred dollars monthly, while successful full-time sellers could reach $1,000 to $5,000 a month with effective strategies and unique products.

Learn more in this guide on easy things to make and sell online.

9: Social Media Management

Social media management is a flexible online side job where you handle a company’s social media presence.

You create and schedule posts, engage with followers, and analyze metrics and are responsible for boosting visibility.

Skills needed include strong communication, creativity, and proficiency with platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

A basic understanding of analytics tools is also beneficial.

Check out these platforms to find social media jobs:

Income potential varies, with rates often starting around $15 per hour and going up to $40/hour depending on experience and the size of the company.

10: Data Entry

Data entry is a flexible side hustle that allows you to work from home entering information into databases or spreadsheets.

Tasks can include inputting numbers, entering customer data, verifying information and searching the internet for competitor data.

While this isn’t the highest-paying side job, it’s easy, and you only need basic skills such as attention to detail, typing proficiency, and basic computer knowledge.

Companies Hiring:

Get more opportunities in this list of data entry jobs for beginners.

Income potential varies. You can earn approximately $12 to $35 per hour, depending on the project or your experience level.

11: Customer Service Representative

Working as a customer service representative offers a flexible schedule with opportunities for remote work.

Your primary tasks would be assisting customers via phone, email, or chat, solving issues, providing product information, and ensuring a satisfactory experience.

Strong communication and problem-solving skills are key. You should be patient, empathetic, and capable of handling multiple inquiries efficiently.

Tech-savviness can also be beneficial, especially when navigating different customer service platforms.

Companies Hiring for This Role:

Here are 25 more customer service companies hiring beginners.

Income can vary based on the company and your experience. Hourly rates typically range from $15 to $27, with some roles offering benefits like healthcare and 401(k) plans.

This makes customer service a viable option for those seeking a rewarding side job with good earning potential.

12: Product Tester

As a product tester, you evaluate items ranging from consumer electronics to food products.

Your tasks include unboxing, using, and providing detailed feedback on these products to aid companies in refining their offerings.

Key skills for this role include attention to detail, strong communication skills, and the ability to meet deadlines.

Companies Hiring Product Testers:

Here are more companies hiring product testers from home.

Income potential varies widely. Short tests might earn you around $10, while more involved product studies can pay up to $60.

Some high-paying opportunities offer compensation up to $500 through cash or gift cards.

13: Start an AI Side Hustle

Venturing into an AI side hustle can be a rewarding way to make extra cash from home.

AI (artificial intelligence) is doing more than making our lives easier, it’s giving average people new ways to make money online with little work.

There are even new AI remote jobs that don’t require a degree emerging, that are giving early adopters the chance to work from home and make a career from it.

Platforms to search for AI remote jobs:

Ideas for remote AI side hustles:

Get more ideas in this guide on 50 Ways to Use ChatGPT to Make Money.

50 Ways to Use ChatGPT to Make Money Online

50 Ways to Use ChatGPT to Make Money Online

The income potential varies widely, depending on who you work for. But AI remote jobs generally pay $20 an hour and upwards.

Your earnings can increase as you build expertise and client base.

14: Graphic Design

Graphic design offers a flexible way to earn money online by creating visual content for digital media.

In a typical day, you might design websites, create logos, or develop marketing materials.

Creativity and a good command of design software are essential skills for success in this field.

Skills needed include:

  • Proficiency with tools like Adobe Creative Suite
  • Strong design and layout sense
  • Attention to detail

Companies hiring for graphic design roles:

Income potential varies, with graphic designers earning from $20 to $150 per hour depending on experience and complexity of projects.

Earn more money from your creative side with these get paid to draw online sites.

15: Email Marketer

online side jobs

online side jobs

As an email marketer, your role involves crafting engaging email campaigns to promote products or services.

A typical day might include designing email templates, writing compelling copy, segmenting email lists, and analyzing campaign performance metrics.

Key skills for success include strong writing and communication abilities, an understanding of marketing strategies, and proficiency with email marketing software like Mailchimp or SendinBlue.

Companies often hiring for email marketing roles include:

Income potential varies, with email marketers earning anywhere from $15 to $50 per hour, depending on experience and project complexity.

16: Chat Support

Chat support is a top online side job for beginners where you assist customers by answering queries, resolving issues, and providing information via chat platforms.

In a typical day, you might handle multiple chat sessions simultaneously, troubleshoot technical issues, and provide detailed product information.

To succeed, you need strong communication and typing skills plus, basic computer literacy and the ability to quickly understand customer needs are essential.

Check these sites for chat support roles:

Get more opportunities in this guide on chat support jobs hiring today.

You can expect to earn between $15 and $25 per hour, depending on the company and your experience level.

17: Website Testing

Website testing is a fun way to earn extra cash where you evaluate websites and apps, focusing on user experience and functionality.

Your day might involve identifying bugs, assessing navigation ease, or participating in video interviews.

You need strong analytical skills, attention to detail, and clear communication and familiarity with different devices and browsers is helpful.

Check ut these popular sites for website testing jobs:

Here are more work from home website testing jobs.

Income generally ranges from $5 to $ 10 per test, with tests taking around 20 minutes to complete.

18: Focus Groups

Participating in focus groups is a way to earn money by sharing your opinions on products or services.

Your tasks involve attending discussions, either virtually or in person, and providing feedback based on your experiences or preferences.

A typical session may last from one hour to several hours, depending on the study requirements, and can be online or in-person.

Strong communication skills are essential for expressing your thoughts clearly and you should be comfortable sharing your opinions.

Companies hiring for focus groups:

Focus groups can offer competitive compensation, often ranging from $50 to $250 per hour.

Higher-paying opportunities, like niche studies or in-depth interviews, offer the potential for even more substantial payouts.

Learn more in our guide on how to make money with focus groups.

19: Web Development

Web development offers a flexible side job opportunity, where you can create and maintain websites in your spare time.

Your typical tasks might include coding, designing layouts, integrating multimedia, or ensuring a site is mobile-friendly.

This work is often project-based, letting you manage your schedule and workload.

To succeed, you need strong skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and often experience with platforms like WordPress or Shopify.

Problem-solving, attention to detail, and creativity are crucial for delivering high-quality websites.

Platforms o find web development roles:

Income potential in web development can vary widely. As a freelancer, you might earn anywhere from $20 to $150 per hour, depending on your expertise, location, and the complexity of the projects you take on.

With experience, your earning potential can increase significantly.

20: Video Editing

Video editing is a versatile online side job that allows you to work from anywhere with and internet connecion.

Your tasks may include cutting and combining video clips, adding sound effects, and incorporating graphics to create compelling content.

To succeed, you’ll need a strong grasp of editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro and an eye for detail.

Companies hiring for video editing roles include:

Income potential varies but part-time freelance editors can earn between $15 to $30 an hour, with the possibility of higher rates depending on experience and project complexity.

21: Translation Services

online side jobs

online side jobs

Working in translation services offers you the flexibility to work from anywhere.

As a freelance translator, your typical day might involve converting written content from one language to another. This can include literary works, websites, or e-commerce product descriptions.

You’ll need strong language skills in at least two languages, along with excellent writing abilities.

Familiarity with specific industries, like technical or medical fields, can be advantageous.

Companies Hiring:

Income potential in translation varies widely based on language pair but you can expect to earn between $27 and $36 an hour.

22: Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing involves promoting products or services online and earning a commission for each sale made through your referral.

In this role, you might spend time curating content for blogs or social media, analyzing traffic data, and engaging with online communities to boost product visibility.

To succeed, you need strong communication skills and an understanding of digital marketing strategies.

Familiarity with SEO, social media marketing, and data analytics is also helpful.

Here are a few guides to get you started with affiliate marketing:

Check these platforms to find affiliate links to promote:

The income potential varies widely. Some affiliate marketers make a few hundred dollars a month part-time, while dedicated professionals can earn significantly more.

It largely depends on your audience reach and promotional efforts.

Learn more in our guide on how to start affiliate marketing with no money.

23: Event Planning

Event planning is one of the best online side jobs that involves coordinating various events such as weddings, corporate meetings, and parties.

If you love going to events yourself, why not start your own event planning business from home.

Your day may consist of managing budgets, communicating with clients and vendors, and organizing event logistics.

To succeed, you need strong organizational skills, attention to detail, and excellent communication abilities.

Check these platforms for event planner jobs:

Income potential varies based on experience and the scale of the events you plan.

While starting as a freelance event planner, you may earn around $20-$30 per hour, with potential to increase as you gain experience and build a client base.

24: Game Tester

As a remote game tester, you get paid to play video games while providing valuable feedback.

You might spend your day identifying bugs, testing gameplay mechanics, or reviewing graphics and audio. Your insights help developers enhance the gaming experience.

Skills required include attention to detail, communication, and a solid understanding of game mechanics.

Basic knowledge of programming languages and testing tools can be beneficial but are not essential.

Companies hiring for this role:

Income potential ranges from $13 to $20 per hour, depending on experience and the complexity of the game projects.

You might also like these game apps that pay instantly to PayPal.

25: Complete Micro Tasks

If you’re looking for easy online side jobs, a great idea is to utilize micro-task websites.

Completing micro tasks involves performing small online jobs that require minimal time and effort.

These tasks can range from data entry and image tagging to surveys and product testing. Typically, they’re quick, taking anywhere from seconds to a few minutes to complete.

Strong attention to detail and basic computer skills will help you succeed in this side job and you should be comfortable navigating online platforms and managing your time effectively.

Take a look at these sites for micro-task work:

Income potential varies. While some tasks offer only a few cents per completion, others, like specialized tasks, may pay more.

Regular commitment could result in a reasonable side income.

26: Sell Photos Online

Selling photos online is an excellent way to monetize your photography skills.

Your typical day might include editing photos, uploading them to various platforms, managing inquiries from potential clients, and staying updated on market trends.

To excel in this side job, you need strong photography and editing skills and an eye for detail and creative composition is essential.

Sell your photos on sites like:

Income potential varies based on the quality of your work and the platform you choose, with commissions ranging from 20% to 50%.

Learn more in our guide on how to get paid to take pictures with your phone.

27: Mystery Shopper

Becoming a mystery shopper involves evaluating service quality by anonymously visiting stores, restaurants, or other businesses.

Your tasks may include observing customer service, checking product availability, or even filming your visit with hidden cameras.

This role requires attention to detail, good memory, and strong communication skills for reporting your findings.

Companies Hiring for Mystery Shoppers:

Get more opportunities in this guide on mystery shopper jobs.

Earnings can vary from $10 to $50 per shop, with more specialized tasks offering higher compensation.

Why Bother Getting an Online Side Job?

man cash laptop

man cash laptop

If you need a little extra encouragement to start an online side job, here are a few good reasons:

Earn Extra Income

Online side jobs provide an opportunity to supplement your main source of income.

Whether it’s saving for a big purchase, paying off debt, or just having some extra spending money, the additional cash flow can be a significant benefit.

Flexible Working Hours

One of the main attractions of remote side hustles is the flexibility they offer.

You can often choose when you work, allowing you to fit the job around your existing commitments, such as a full-time job, family responsibilities, or personal projects.

Skill Development

Starting a side business can be a way to build and refine skills in various areas.

You might enhance your proficiency in digital marketing, improve your writing abilities, or learn new software tools.

These skills not only help in the side job itself but can also enhance your resume.

Explore New Career Opportunities

Sometimes, trying out a new side gig can serve as a testing ground for a potential new career path.

By engaging in projects outside of your current role, you can gauge your interest and aptitude in different fields without committing to a full-time transition.

Networking Opportunities

Online side jobs are a way to expand your professional network.

You may connect with clients, freelancers, and industry professionals, opening doors to potential collaborations and future job opportunities.

This expanded network can be valuable for career growth and learning as you never know who yo might get introduced to!

Final Thoughts on the Best Online Side Jobs

Those are just a few of the top online side jobs to make extra cash in your spare time.

I have made money with quite a few of these over the years and still make money today freelance writing and blogging.

try out the different side jobs mentioned above to find out which one aligns with your skills, interests, and monetary needs.

Not all will be right for you, but because these jobs have little barrier to entry, you won’t waste much time if one doesn’t work out.

And remember, you can even take on multiple side jobs at a time if you enjoy variety and want to seriously boost your monthly income!

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27 Online Side Jobs That Offer Flexibility and High Income Potential
Article Name
27 Online Side Jobs That Offer Flexibility and High Income Potential
27 Online Side Jobs That Offer Flexibility and High Income Potential.
Katie Lamb
Publisher Name
Remote Work Rebels
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